
the Y’s Latest News

Becoming an Adaptive Y for the 21st Century

January 15, 2021 Global

World YMCA has published a Handbook for the YMCA Movement to navigate through and out of the Covid pandemic, with the publication drawing together key insights, learnings and resources from the ‘Padare’ global virtual roundtables – which united around 200 people from over 50 countries in 2020. The roundtables were an integral part of the Covid response strategy of Resilience, Recovery and Reimagination.

The handbook summarises five increasingly urgent global issues (youth unemployment, mental health, environmental protection, equity and systemic racism).

Key themes emerging from the Padare series (the ‘Why?’ of the Y, reimagining programs and services, embracing digitalisation, building diverse revenue models, and building partnerships and collaborations); and more.

“We now see the world with renewed urgency and refreshed vision. We have no option other than systemic change. Young people are calling for it. The Y needs it; young people need it.” – President Patricia Pelton & Secretary General Carlos Sanvee, World YMCA.

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