
the Y’s Latest News

Update of sites currently operational

July 14, 2020 COVID-19 update

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in all jurisdictions except Victoria, over 70% of all Y sites across Australia are now open.

As of 13 July 2020:

430 (72.5%) are open:
193 (45%) are fully or near fully operational
129 (30%) have reduced operations
108 (25%) are operating < than 50%
163 (27.5%) are closed – largely in Victoria.

Site closures are predominantly in Victoria, where all Metropolitan Melbourne  and the Mitchell Shire are currently in a second period of COVID-19 ‘Stay at Home’ orders. The major exception in Victoria is the Ballarat and Grampians Region YMCA which is almost fully operational, with its offering predominantly in essential kindergarten services.

Almost half (45%) of all Y operations in Australia are back to full or near full capacity – particularly in West Australia, Queensland, and the Northern Territory and South Australia, followed closely by NSW. However, 30% of our programs and services are operating at a reduced capacity, with 25% percent at less than 50% due to COVID-19 restrictions to maintain social distancing, and while consumers remain cautious or unable to return fully to their previous commitments. Our hardest hit industry is the recreation industry. In Y Victoria alone 3,990 staff in total stood down in the camping, recreation, swimming and children’s services sectors, the significant majority in recreation.

It is unlikely that community recreation, swimming lessons, sports and camping programs (hardest hit in Vic) will recommence at full capacity until 2021.
Unemployment/under-employment is predicted to be highest in NSW and Victoria post September 2020.
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