
Be Active. Stay Connected.

At the Y, we believe being active is not merely about fitness, it’s about people, moving, together. When energy combines. When efforts are enhanced.

Across Australia, we welcome over 5.5 million sports and recreation participations per year, managing 24 recreation facilities (stadiums/community centres), and 86 Health and Fitness Centres (39 dry and 47 multi/aquatic centres). The YMCA also provides over 780,000 Gymnastics participations a year, and we run 13 camps with over 129,000 campers each year.

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It is balls bouncing on courts, the shouts of encouragement, whistles blowing and feet pounding. It’s makeshift teams, individual bests, organised competition and the constant strive to be rewarded for effort made. We love it when people participate together. Because when they do, we know connections are made and we also know people feel better in who they are and where they belong. Ultimately, this belief in recreation, that has underpinned the Y story for 180 years, is based on the simple truth that being active enhances the potential of an individual by unleashing the best version of themselves.

And that’s why we make it our mission to get people moving.

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