Y Careers

About Y Careers

Providing a new pipeline of young employees for the care economy 

Y Careers is an innovative social enterprise start-up of Y Australia and over the next five years aims to create 30,000 job placements for up to 15,000 young Australians nationally in the care economy by supplying meaningful employment opportunities for young people and assisting employers facing critical workforce shortages.

Y Careers is supported by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations through a $15.2 million grant, ‘Supporting the setup of Y Careers and its operations’. Y Careers is set to roll out a comprehensive traineeship program for young people in the care industry in 2024.

We know the care sector within Australia urgently requires a pipeline of labour, with care workforces decimated during the pandemic period, and pressures on businesses continuing to increase. It is projected that 250,000 new workers are required in the care sector by 2025, with the demand particularly acute in regional areas.

Y Careers, along with their partners, will provide training and employment in a holistic approach inclusive of wraparound support to young people across Australia.

The focus will be on ensuring we engage geographically, culturally and diverse young people, including those traditionally marginalised from the labour market and experiencing barriers to employment.

The Need

Y Careers aim is to help address two pressing issues impacting communities nationwide:

  1. Youth underemployment and unemployment, which at 8.7% is currently more than double that of the national unemployment rate of 3.7%. (Oct 2023)
  2. The critical shortage of care workers across Australia in childcare, disability, and aged care sectors.

Without innovative solutions and direct, tailored action to create a new and ongoing stream of workers, this shortage will result in the closures of critical services that our communities and Australian economy desperately need.

The Y Careers Model

Y Careers will provide young people with a launchpad, wrap around support and an employment ecosystem over a 12-month traineeship, with an option of a second year. The aim is to equip them with a “career portfolio” of desired and relevant transferrable skills.

As part of the program the young person will receive a competitive hourly wage, study a fully funded qualification (specifically, a Certificate III in Individual Support), and engage in two to four work placements within the care industry.

Our holistic support model for young people and employers includes:

  • Dedicated Career Coaching
  • Diversity of Work Placements
  • Innovative Training and Learning
  • Job Matching and Placement


Keeping young people safe is a core commitment at the Y. This requires all employees to contribute to a safe environment, safe operations, and a safe culture at the Y.

See Y Safeguarding to learn more.


Job Opportunities at Y Careers

Find out more about working with Y Careers at ycareersrecruitment.org


Exciting news! Our interim website is now live. Visit us at www.ycareers.org.au to explore and register your interest. For more information, feel free to email us at contact@ycareers.org.au


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