
the Y’s Latest News

Introducing our Global Change Agents for Cohort 5.0!

April 17, 2023 Youth Empowerment

The Y’s Change Agent program is a global leadership development program to empower young leaders as change makers in their own communities. Our Change Agents are young volunteers and/or staff from Ys across the world who strengthen The Y with their passion projects in their own Y’s local context. They also participate in innovative experiences including online and face-to-face trainings, mentoring and local project development. Since 2014, 750 Change Agents have graduated and are leading change in 67 countries around the world.

Over the past 2 months an extensive selection process has been underway to get us to the final 6. Nearly 30 young people from across all States and Territories expressed interest in the program – following an evaluation by our intergenerational panel, 11 individuals were shortlisted for interview.

The final shortlist was then provided to World Y and APAY for further evaluation and ultimately, selection. Given the exceptional calibre of talent across all nominees, the selection process was remarkably difficult.

We are thrilled to announce that World Y has selected six Change Agents to represent Australia for Cohort 5.0 – say hi 👋 to

  • Nicholas Erskine from Y Brisbane
  • Tina Flaskas from Y NSW
  • Lily Chancey from Y Ballarat
  • Alisha Nurnaitis from Y Geelong
  • Elysse McCabe from Y SA
  • Ashleigh Foster from Y WA

We’re proud to say that Australia has the second largest delegation of Change Agents globally, reflecting the quality of the candidates and our nation-wide commitment to the program. The program officially commenced on April 5th, and ongoing updates will be provided. See more about the global Change Agent program here.

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