
the Y’s Latest News

Inside our Minds

October 10, 2020 Mental Health

The Y is proud to release the ‘Inside Our Minds’ campaign this week, in support of Mental Health Week. This campaign is about young people living with mental health challenges, inspired by a young person, at time during a global pandemic when the mental health of young people has never been more challenged. We sat down with seven young people to talk about mental health and their experiences.

“We want to ensure that any stigmas and barriers the might stop young people from seeking help if they need to are broken down,” said Melinda Crole, National CEO of the Y in Australia.

“We also hope these stories will inspire hope to any young person currently struggling with mental health issues by showing how others have learnt how to manage with their mental health,” she added.

This year, we’ve partnered with Headspace, who are going to provide training and educational support for the campaign, and the young people interviewed are all representatives of the Headspace Youth Advisory Council.

Martin Johnson, the Change Agent who produced the ‘Inside Our Minds’ Campaign, was again this year deeply moved by the bravery and insights the young people showed.

“The young people who shared this year are so authentic, brave and show deep personal insights. I know their stories will inspired many people, and my hope is to make sure that others know that if they’re facing any mental health challenges, they’re not alone and can reach out for help,” Martin said.

This campaign is another demonstration of Why We Are Here – to listen to and support young people with action – in this case helping break down misunderstandings and stigmatisation about mental health and demonstrating that mental health can be managed and optimised through beautifully told real life stories of young people.

Mental Health is consistently among the top issues for young people when surveyed, and with the impacts of Coronavirus disproportionately affecting young people’s employment, education and career prospects and hope for the future, we know that optimising their mental wellbeing has never been more important. The Y wants to optimise the mental wellbeing of young people in body, mind and spirit both as significant employer of young people, and in the programs and services we run across Australia for young people.  As a large community not for profit in Australia, we also have the opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands of young people – and those who care about them – with this year’s campaign.

Please reach out if you need to talk to someone:
Headspace: 1800 650 890.
Lifeline: 13 11 14.

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