
the Y’s Latest News

We need to step up – for young people

March 7, 2021 Young People

We need to continue to respond to new and emerging global, national and local research that shows the potential long-lasting impacts of the global pandemic, particularly on young people.

Over the weekend, I attended the World Y National Secretary General’s meeting and was struck by these two distressing insights from the World Economic Forum, alarmingly pertinent to us all:

  • There’s a new term being used to describe young people aged 18-25 –Pandemials – young people in the age of lost opportunity.
  •  Just one month of unemployment at the ages of 18-20 can cause a permanent income loss of 2% in future income earnings.

Here, we continue to be informed by young people about their needs and issues and one key report we keep referring back to is our 2020 Young people reimagining their future after lockdown report, produced by the Y and the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA), which also highlights key areas of concern for young people here:

  • employment
  • inclusion
  • mental health
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While there’s always more to be done, it’s great to reflect on post-lockdown national and global research and see we’re on the right track, and nimble in our response as new insights become available.

We need to be.

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